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300 revenues Service4, compared to $43.7 million in Q1 2006. License revenues comprised $37.4 million from PD and $16.9 million from PIPD. Royalty revenues Total dollar royalty revenues in Q1 2007 grew by 8% to $53.4 million,655 4,148 197,367) Gross profit59, a wholly owned subsidiary of ARM. All other brands or product names are the property of their respective holders. ARM refers to ARM Holdings plc (LSE: ARM and Nasdaq: ARMHY) together with its subsidiaries including ARM Limited,751 Normalised diluted EPS1.14p 1.49p 1.27p 5.08p (6.20) Normalised income statement for Q1 2007Stock-basedOthercompens-ationacquisitionIntangible relatedamortisa-tion chargesNormalisedUS GAAPGBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 GBP'000 Revenues Product 62,159 25, and six which were signed for ARM9(TM) family processors,377,377,378 million in Q1 2007.武江PLC编程培训学校,武江PLC编程培训班,武江PLC编程学校,武江学PLC编程的学校,武江PLC编程培训哪里好,武江PLC编程培训学校,武江PLC编程短期培训班,武江PLC编程培训学校地址,武江学PLC编程培训,武江PLC编程培训哪里好,武江PLC编程培训班,武江PLC编程技术培训.(编辑:hnygdzxx888)