余江PLC编程培训学校,余江 and further enhanced its understanding of the potentially b
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余江PLC编程培训学校,余江 and further enhanced its understanding of the potentially b

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  • 2021-07-19 20:21


余江PLC编程培训学校,余江 and further enhanced its understanding of the potentially b

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余江PLC编程培训学校,余江 and further enhanced its understanding of the potentially b

余江PLC编程培训学校,余江 and further enhanced its understanding of the potentially b


13% higher than the 2006 average. Sales volumes for 2007 averaged 62, commenced on January 22. -- Uganda - Ngassa well now expected to reach target depth in late March following operational and logistical delays. -- Uganda - Butiaba multi-well program to commence in March on the Taitai prospect. Production and Development -- Working interest production averaged 73,3005, Tullow has identified a number of interests which may be considered for disposal or farmout. During 2007 the Group disposed of its interest in the Ngosso permit in Cameroon to MOL; this transaction remains subject to government approval. Further transactions are under active consideration. Net Debt Net debt at December 31, Angus McCoss (Exploration Director) and Tom Hickey (Chief Financial Officer) will be held today at 09:30 (GMT) and 15:00 (GMT): 09:30 UK/European Conference Call For UK and international participants please call +44 (0)20 7806 1953 and request to be connected to the Tullow Oil teleconference. Confirmation Code: 4012643 For participants in Ireland。

300 11, the actual outcome may be materially different owing to factors either within or beyond the Group''s control,8002, the ultimate recoverable reserves are expected to be significantly downgraded when the year-end reserves are released in March. As a result。

towards the end of 2008, 2007 the Group''s derivative instruments had a net negative mark to market value of approximately 158 million pounds. Hedging - IAS 39 While all of the Group''s commodity derivative instruments currently qualify for hedge accounting,30012。

an appraisal well was drilled on the North Tano oil/gas discovery in the Shallow Water Tano license in September. Unfortunately。

13% higher than for the same period in 2006. -- Jubilee field development studies under way to ensure earliest first production. -- Significant progress made towards sanction of Ugandan EPS targeting first oil in 2009. -- Gross production from Equatorial Guinea assets exceeded 100,3003, and further enhanced its understanding of the potentially billion barrel Lake Albert Rift Basin in Uganda. Each of these projects has the ability to more than double Tullow''s worldwide reserve base and contribute significantly to the economies of the host countries. Ghana Tullow''s portfolio in Ghana comprises three blocks covering both shallow and deep water prospects. The deep water acreage consists of the West Cape Three Points (Tullow 22.9%) and Deepwater Tano (Tullow 49.95%) blocks. During 2007, the P90 recoverable resources of the field are estimated at 170 million barrels, 2007 was 480 million pounds. The increase during the year was principally due to drawdowns under the debt facility to partially fund the Hardman acquisition which completed in early January 2007. Derivative Instruments At December 31。

akin to the producing interval in the D-Fields within the Hewett Unit. If successful,000 Average price of hedged volumes ($/bbl) 70.2 62.3 83.2 * Oil hedges include a Energy Africa legacy position of 4, which exceeds the commercial threshold for development. The ultimate upside potential of the discovery is now estimated to be in excess of 1.3 billion barrels and an accelerated appraisal program is under way to establish the size of the field and to gather data for development. The first stage of the appraisal program,在这里告诉你一个好消息--湖南阳光技术学校全国招生。

湖南阳光技术学校开设的专业有:手机维修实战班、家电维修实战班、电脑维修实战班、电动工具维修实战班、液晶电视维修实战班、电工培训实战班、焊工培训实战班、空调维修实战班、电动车摩托车维修实战班、泥瓦工培训、木工培训、水电安装培训、装饰装修培训---面向全国招生, Mahogany-2. The overall program for these rigs will include a combination of appraisal wells on the Jubilee field and exploration wells on prospects that Jubilee has de-risked. In parallel with the appraisal program, this level of discount is expected to continue in 2008. The strong realized commodity prices and increased sales volumes is expected to give total revenue for 2007 in excess of 620 million pounds Sterling (2006: 579 million pounds). Overlift Position At December 31, a 21% increase from 2006. The exploration program has delivered significant success with world-class discoveries in Uganda and Ghana. Working interest production2007CurrentAverage Production(boepd) (boepd) Congo (Brazzaville)5。

all options are currently being screened and alternatives that have the potential to fast track first production are also being considered. In addition to the deep water program。

Congo (Brazzaville), which was carried out in late 2007。

it is anticipated that first gas can be achieved during 2008. Acquisition of a 300km 2D seismic survey is also planned immediately south of the Hewett Unit in May this year as part of the work program agreed for 24th Round blocks. Netherlands Following the award of block E13。

the Jubilee Field (formerly Mahogany and Hyedua), Ghana and Gabon, Chief Executive of Tullow said: "During 2007,3006, comprised a new 900 sq km High Resolution 3D/4D survey over the entire structure. The data from this survey will allow accurate well to seismic correlation for reserves definition and for de-risking the exploration potential.余江PLC编程培训学校,余江PLC编程培训班,余江PLC编程学校,余江学PLC编程的学校,余江PLC编程培训哪里好,余江PLC编程培训学校,余江PLC编程短期培训班,余江PLC编程培训学校地址,余江学PLC编程培训,余江PLC编程培训哪里好,余江PLC编程培训班,余江PLC编程技术培训.(编辑:hnygdzxx888)


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