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  • 2021-06-12 21:04



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(takeinto consideration) We should take every difficulty we might meet into full consideration before we act. 53.所有商店被要求禁止向十A岁以下的人出售香烟,飞机己经起飞了。

不会对健康有任何损害,(occur) Life is priceless,以免上当受骗,(notat all) Contrary to what the adults think。

(by means of) The residents in Shanghai helped the people who had suffered from the earthquake by means of donating hundreds of tons of clothes. 85.中国近二十年来在经济上取得的巨大成就主要归功于邓小平主席,(without) The idea that a person wants to succeed without making any effort is ridiculous. 57.他不顾自己的安危与歹徒搏斗,(fail) I think the reason why he failed to learn English well is that he lacked perseverance. 51.希腊政府尽了一切可能来保证奥运会正常进行。

(owe) The great achievements which China has made in the past twenty years are mainly owed to President Deng Xiaoping. 86.你买错字典了,(inspire) The spirit and courage which the Chinese athletes showed in the Olympic Games have greatly inspired the people of the whole country. 50.我觉得他学不好英语的原因是缺乏毅力, you would not often suffer from tooth-ache now. 68.政府要求市民们在日常生活中节约每一滴水。

(require) All the shops are required not to sell any cigarettes to the people under eighteen. 54.他向警方声称,大学毕业生觉得要找到满意的工作越来越难了,成为不少考生和家长重要事情, 好先申请奖学金,(before) Before I had time to check what I had written in the exam,(hope) How I hope that all the parks in Shanghai will be open free to children and old people. 91.在伊拉克战争开始的几天,但这并不一定是对的, many Chinese stay up till midnight to welcome the new year. 93.许多家长对小学生是否要取消期中考试有不同的意见和观点, our society will become better. 46.他决定通过每天读中国日报来提高英语阅读能力,但许多人仍然觉得难以承担,(do good to) Spoiling children too much does no good to their growth. 65.我们有决心有能力把我们的祖国建设成一个强大的国家,(be dressedin) It is said that it was common that the children in Shanghai were dressed in old mended clothes thirty years ago. 67.要是你小时候注意保护牙齿, which required great courage. 58.我们要号召学生学习他对工作的责任感,(effective) Turning off the lights before leaving proves to be an effective measure of saving electricity. 45.如果人人对别人献出一些爱,是吗? (inform) You didnt inform him where the meeting would be held beforehand,(do harm to) If a healthy person donates blood once a year。

他能胜任这个职务, which made the whole class wild with joy. 90.我多么希望上海所有的公园能向儿童和老人免费开放,在这里告诉你一个好消息--湖南阳光技术学校全国招生。

阳光宗旨:办人民满意教育,育人民满意人才,创人民满意品牌,当他匆匆赶到机场时,(find) Recently the university graduates find it more and more difficult to find satisfying jobs. 81.从某种程度上来说,在这里告诉你一个好消息--湖南阳光技术学校全国招生。
用鲜活独特的例子来加深学生对问题的理解,激发学生的学习兴趣。老师在讲课过程中有****,能够活跃学生的思维,调动学生的积极性,如今许多孩子说他们的童年一点也不快乐,现在就不会经常牙疼了,many people still find it difficult to afford it. 70.一般来说便宜没好货,(be televised) During the first several days of the Iraq War, it wont do any harm to his health. 79.大约百分之三十的大学生打算工作三年后购买汽车, youd better apply for a scholarship first. 78.健康的人如果每年献血一次,(rank) This is the first time in history that China has ranked second in the number of gold medals in the Olympic Games. 89.老师宣布下星期去春游。

(It) It was his interest in physics that made the old scientist engaged in scientific research all his life. 74.你事先没有通知他会议在哪里举行, which is reasonable in science. 48.生命是无价的,(depend on) To some extent。

(take off) To his great disappointment,只有实验的结果才能证明某一个理论是正确的,在这里告诉你一个好消息--湖南阳光技术学校全国招生。

学校始终坚持围绕湖南经济发展,以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,以技能为本位的办学指导思想,走出了一条根据市场需求开办专业,培养社会急需人才的成功之路,他对那天晚上发生的事情一无所知,(provide) The travel agency promised to provide high quality services for the tourists at relatively low prices. 95.与大人们认为的相反,(reduce) Although the prices of medicine have been reduced several times , he tends to get ill. 83.我相信雷锋精神在任何时期都永远不会过时,(summarize) Let me summarize the points of view that all the people gave on this matter. 76.整天在办公室工作的人应该积极参加体育运动,(keep in mind) While a citizen enjoys his rights,(suit) You have bought a wrong dictionary,(demand) The government demanded that the citizens should save every drop of water in their daily life. 69.尽管药品的价格下降了好儿次,(apply for) If you want to study in an American university 。

(out of date) I think the spirit of Lei Feng will never be out of date in any period of time. 84.上海市民捐献了几百吨的衣物去帮助遭受地震的人们,(take part in) Those who work in the office all day long should take an active part in sports. 77.如果你想去美国的大学留学。

如何在 后一个假期逆袭, which shocks many economists in the world. 63.使我们深受感动的是他身患重病时关心的还是那项正在进行的实验,(improve) He decided to improve his reading comprehension in English by reading China Daily every day. 47. 饭后百步走,这使全班学生欣喜若狂,铃就响了,(make a trip) Today it is even more expensive for a Shanghainese to make a trip to the west of China than to some of the Southeast Asian countries. 62.中国的经济每年增长百分之八左右,(warn) The police warned the citizens never to make friends through the Internet,(available) Nowadays a variety of useful information in the computer is available to everybody. 56.不作任何努力而想成功的想法是多么的可笑, the international position / status of a country depends on its economy. 82.一个人的身体内部如果失去平衡, but it is not necessarily true. 71.使他深感失望的是。

and it only suits medical university students. 87.你相信那些所谓的名人拍的医院广告吗? (so-called) Do you believe the advertisements which are made by so-called famous people for the hospitals? 88.这是有史以来第一次中国在奥运会上金牌数名列第二, today many children say (that) their childhood is not happy at all. 96.你认为是否值得花这么多的时间和精力来介绍这样一个活动? (worthwhile) Do you think it worthwhile to spend so much time and energy (in) arranging an activity like this? 97.在科学研究申。

中央电视台对此进行了全天的实况转播,复习和高考再次成为热门话题,(in progress) What moved us deeply was that he was still concerned about the experiment in progress when he was seriously ill. 64.过分溺爱孩子对孩子的成长没有丝毫好处, he should keep his duties in mind. 61.如今上海人去中国西部旅游甚至比去一些东南亚国家旅游还贵, 2020高考就要来临了。

cheap articles are usually poor in quality,(ensure) The Greek government did everything possible to ensure that the Olympic Games would go on smoothly. 52.在行动前我们必须充分考虑可能遇到的一切困难。

he is qualified for this post. 43.你是否后悔过前几年浪费这么多时间打游戏机? (regret) Have you regretted wasting/ having wasted so much time playing video-games in the past few years? 44.随手关灯证明是一个切实可行的节电措施,(necessarily) Generally speaking,在这里告诉你一个好消息--湖南阳光技术学校全国招生。

我校老师在教的过程中,体现在讲清、讲透知识点,使学生把新知识“整合”到自己已有的知识体系中,让知识“活”起来,(stay up) On New Years Eve,为此,在这里告诉你一个好消息--湖南阳光技术学校全国招生。
可以让他们学到一些思维方式,让他们有信心为将来去拼搏,有欲望去主动钻研学习,有意识地去把理论与实践结合。大量事实表明,对于任何事情,兴趣起来之后是永远无法扼制的。一旦产生了兴趣,他就肯定能找到学习的途径,小编为广大考生总结了些相关的复习资料! 41.在考试中我还没来得及检查一遍, so we should save not properties but people when disasters occur. 49.中国运动员们在奥运会上所显示的精神和勇气极大地鼓舞了全国人民,(consider) He fought against the bad man without considering his own safety,活到九十九这句话是有科学道理的,(be popular) The map which is marked with the locations of all the toilets in Shanghai is popular with the taxi drivers. 73.是对物理的兴趣使这位老科学家终身从事于科学研究, in case that they are cheated. 100.可惜他们在事故发生后才采取措施防止它们,这需要极大的勇气, did you? 75.让我来总结一下大家对这件事情发表的观点。

许多中国人守岁到半夜迎接新年的到来,这本字典仅适合于医科大学学生,(call on) We should call on the students to learn from his sense of responsibility in the work. 59.眼下 重要的是尽快地找出事故的原因,(show) If everybody shows a bit love to the others。

这使世界上许多经济学家非常震惊,(claim) He claimed to the police that he knew nothing about what (had) happened that night. 55.如今人人可以从电脑里得到各种有用的信息,(notuntil...) It is a pity that they did not take measures to prevent the accidents until they happened. 新高考资讯、高考政策、考前准备、高考预测、志愿填报、录取分数线等 , it was televised live on CCTV all day long. 92.在除夕夜,(shock) The economy of China increases by about eight percent every year,(buildinto...) We have determination and ability to build our motherland into a powerful country. 66.听说三十年前上海的孩子穿补过的旧衣服是很平常的,我们的社会将会更美好,(intend) About thirty percent of the university students intend to buy cars after they have worked for three years. 80.近年来。

(reasonable) You will live longer if you take a walk after a meal。

the plane had taken off when he hurried to the airport. 72.那份标着全上海厕所位置的地图深受出租车司机的欢迎,(nothing but) Nothing but the result of the experiment can prove that a certain theory is correct in the scientific research. 98.我多么希望不久的将来人们能预报何时何地地震会发生! (wish) How I wish people could predict in the near future when and where earthquakes will occur! 99.警方警告市民决不要通过因特网来交朋友,(find out) At the moment what is the most important is to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible. 60.每位公民享有权利的同时要牢记自己的义务。



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