报名热线 0731-85579057
青羊自动化程控培训学校,青羊Senetek PLC Announces Launch of New Website
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青羊自动化程控培训学校,青羊自动化程控培训班分享Senetek PLC Announces Launch of New Website

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  • 2021-11-07 11:27


青羊自动化程控培训学校,青羊Senetek PLC Announces Launch of New Website

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青羊自动化程控培训学校招生详情:为您提供专业的青羊学自动化程控的学校,青羊自动化程控培训哪里好,青羊自动化程控培训学校,青羊自动化程控短期培训班,青羊自动化程控培训学校地址,青羊学自动化程控培训,青羊自动化程控培训哪里好,青羊自动化程控培训班,青羊自动化程控技术培训信息以及青羊自动化程控培训学校和青羊自动化程控培训班 新资讯,湖南阳光自动化程控培训学校,常年面向青羊地区开设自动化程控培训班,是专业的青羊自动化程控学校,常年面向青羊地区招生,热忱欢迎青羊地区的自动化程控技术求学者来我校学习 专业的自动化程控技术。青羊自动化程控培训学校,青羊自动化程控培训班,青羊自动化程控学校,青羊自动化程控培训学校,青羊自动化程控培训班哪家好,Senetek PLC Announces Launch of New Website。

青羊自动化程控培训学校,青羊Senetek PLC Announces Launch of New Website

青羊自动化程控培训学校,青羊Senetek PLC Announces Launch of New Website


  NAPA, Calif., Feb. 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- ord" href="http://www.hnygpx.net/wz2/a/ord" href="http://www.hnygpx.net/wz2/a/zidonghuachengkong/2021/0519/18463.html">PLCbiancheng/2021/0601/19565.html">Senetek PLC (OTC Bulletin Board: SNKTY - News), a Life Sciences company engaged in the development of technologies that target the science of healthy aging, today announced the launch of the Company''s new website;

Mr. Frank Massino, Senetek''s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer stated, "We are pleased to bring greater visibility to Senetek at this significant time in our Company''s development. This week, we successfully launched our newest and most advanced dermatological therapeutic, Pyratine-6(TM) to the North American physician market. In addition, over the previous months, we have made remarkable progress in our financial structure; Senetek is debt free and has a strong balance sheet, solid management team and successful commercial partnerships through which we have accelerated the development and commercialization of our proprietary products. We invite everyone to learn more about these and other important developments by visiting our new website at ".

About Senetek PLC

Senetek PLC (OTC Bulletin Board: SNKTY - News) is a Life Sciences company engaged in the development of breakthrough technologies that target the science of healthy aging. The Company''s extensive research collaborations have resulted in a strong pipeline of patented compounds and products with broad therapeutic applications and a leading presence in dermatology. Senetek collaborates with established specialty pharmaceutical companies in the final development and marketing of its proprietary products, most recently resulting in the development of the best-selling anti-aging product sold in the North American physician market.

For more information, visit the company''s website at

This news release contains statements that may be considered ''forward- looking statements'' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. Forward-looking statements by their nature involve substantial uncertainty, and actual results may differ materially from those that might be suggested by such statements. Important factors identified by the Company that it believes could result in such material differences are described in the Company''s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year 2006. However, the Company necessarily can give no assurance that it has identified or will identify all of the factors that may result in any particular forward-looking statement materially differing from actual results, and the Company assumes no obligation to correct or update any forward-looking statements which may prove to be inaccurate, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Source: Senetek PLC



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